Open: Value of the stock at market open
Day High: The stock's highest value during today's trading session
Day Low: The stock's lowest value during today's trading session
52w High: The stock's highest value in the last 52 weeks
52w Low: The stock's lowest value in the last 52 weeks
Volume: Number of shares traded on the stock exchange during today's trading session
My Investment
Total assets: Number of shares in your possession
Market Value: Value of your shares
Avg. cost: Compound average price of the stocks you bought
Total return: How much money you have made in this investment, in dollars and in percentage
Reserved assets
Shares available: These are the number of shares you have available to trade.
Shares blocked: These are the number of shares you current can't sell to avoid any rule violation.
Asset's Graphic
The provided information refers to the previous values of the stock and the changes at the moment. How much has it incresead or decresead in US $ and percentage change.
$5.45: Indicates that the stock value increased by $5.45 since the previous market close.
2.89%: The percentage change in the stock value since the previous close. In this case, the stock has increased by 2.89%.
$188.71: Indicates the stock value at the previous market close
You can see these same indicators at any point on the chart.
$195.16: The stock value on February 15th at 10:25 a.m. UTC-5, NY Time, and Local Time.
0.5196%: The percentage change in the stock value from the previous close at that moment.
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